[ Free Javascript Games ]
These games will work on a Dreamcast or PC. Most of these games require a PC or XDP/DP/DK browser. The Battleship game runs VERY slowly on the Dreamcast and the Checkers game takes 2-3 moves to your 1 on DC.
Compatibility Legend:
PC = Any PC with Javascript 1.2 and up |
DP = Any XDP, Dreampassport, or Dreamkey |
PW = PlanetWeb browsers 2.0 and up |
3D Maze (PC) *new
Battleship (PC,DP)
BlackJack (PC,DP)
BlackJack Deluxe (PC,DP)
Breakout (PC) *new
Checkers (PC,DP,PW 3.0)
Checkbox Challenge (PC,DP,PW)
Concentration (PC) *new
Connect 4 (PC,DP,PW)
Connecting Dots (PC) *new
Country Music Kit (PC,DP,PW)
Crab Race (PC) *new
Face Memory (PC,DP) *new
Lights Out (PC,DP,PW)
Magic Squares (PC) *new
Mind Reader (PC,DP) *new
Mine Sweeper (PC,DP)
Peg Solitaire (PC,DP)
Poker (PC,DP,PW)
Pong (DP version)
Pong (PC version)
Raise a Pokemon (PC,DP)
Simon (PC) *new
Smaller Pong (DP)
Spacebombs (PC,DP,PW)
Space Invaders (DP version)
Space Invaders (PC version)
Space Invaders (PC version 2)
Tongue Twisters (PC,DP,PW)
Towers of Hanoi (PC,DP,PW 3.0)
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